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- inspection drives in Zurich


Fahrschule Gerry Nischler Seniordrive Logo


is active in the section of road safety and is particularly committed to the safe and competent mobility of older drivers.


Seniordrive trains driving instructors to become Seniordrive Coaches.


Seniordrive works with doctors, clinics, insurance companies, authorities and other institutions.


As a trained senior drive coach, I would be happy to accompany and advise you during a test drive .


You can find out more about SENIORDRIVE at

Control drives in the StVA Zurich

WEB Site Bilder StVA ZH Uetli-08b.JPG

Age / Medical

inspection drives:

You have received a request for an age or medical check- up according to

SVG Art. 15d Paragraph 5?


You don't know how to prepare?


I would be happy to prepare you for the inspection drive and accompany you.



Get more information if you:


Inspection drives for owners of foreign Driving licenses:

If you move to Switzerland, you must exchange your driving license to a Swiss driving license.

You have 12 months from the date of entry to do this..

If your country of origin is not an EU or EFTA state

you must complete a test drive.


I would be happy to prepare you

for your inspection drive and would be happy to accompany you.


Get more information if you:


Traffic education StVA Zurich

WEB Site Bilder StVA ZH Uetli-03b.JPG

VU Road Traffic Office ZH
(Traffic education):

Was your driver's license revoked?

And you were obliged to attend a traffic training course as a condition?


I would be happy to conduct a feedback drive with you.



More informations, if you:



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